Your attitude and body language speak volumes about what you really think and feel; and you are more transparent than you realize. The reason so many people get by with lying all the time is that everyone agrees to go along for reasons of neediness or greed and far too many other reasons to list.
I am constantly amused and often saddened by this reality when working with new people. I met with a newish student recently and could see that she was thinking that she was superior to me intellectually. Her voice was literally dripping with superiority and disdain for me. I listened for awhile to see what was happening with her as she ran her usual litany of how people are mean to her and then the other litany that usually follows listing what she wants from people in her life. Toward the end of our hour together I told her in the most loving and kind tones: "I see you thinking you are superior. You are in for a rude awakening; narcissistic idiots often end up alone in life. Deal with this feature now or you will go on losing friends. You should have seen enough evidence of this by now. That is why you come here isn't it - always confused about why this one or that one no longer wishes to see you?"
She sniffed and turned her nose up as she hurried out the door; hatred toward me dripping off her leaving a stench in the room. She hadn't heard what she wanted to hear.
If you are reading this and think it's you - it probably is. Your work for this week is to do something kind for someone else every day this week with no thought of reward or recognition for the deed while sensing your face. (If you've been paying enough attention to know how to do that after a year and a half.) Do not speak to anyone of your special task, listen to the inner voices and make note of what they say as you go about your day.
Discovering your power doesn't mean you have to become a shit when you find it.
Be Well
Be Peace