"THERE DO EXIST ENQUIRING MINDS, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates’ words, “Know thyself” remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being."

VIEWS FROM THE REAL WORLD, BY by G.I. Gurdjieff, p 43

23 October 2011

Attitude and Body Language

Your attitude and body language speak volumes about what you really think and feel; and you are more transparent than you realize. The reason so many people get by with lying all the time is that everyone agrees to go along for reasons of neediness or greed and far too many other reasons to list.

I am constantly amused and often saddened by this reality when working with new people. I met with a newish student recently and could see that she was thinking that she was superior to me intellectually. Her voice was literally dripping with superiority and disdain for me.  I listened for awhile to see what was happening with her as she ran her usual litany of how people are mean to her and then the other litany that usually follows listing what she wants from people in her life. Toward the end of our hour together I told her in the most loving and kind tones: "I see you thinking you are superior. You are in for a rude awakening; narcissistic idiots often end up alone in life. Deal with this feature now or you will go on losing friends. You should have seen enough evidence of this by now. That is why you come here isn't it - always confused about why this one or that one no longer wishes to see you?"

She sniffed and turned her nose up as she hurried out the door; hatred toward me dripping off her leaving a stench in the room. She hadn't heard what she wanted to hear.

If you are reading this and think it's you - it probably is. Your work for this week is to do something kind for someone else every day this week with no thought of reward or recognition for the deed while sensing your face. (If you've been paying enough attention to know how to do that after a year and a half.)  Do not speak to anyone of your special task, listen to the inner voices and make note of what they say as you go about your day.

Discovering your power doesn't mean you have to become a shit when you find it. 

Be Well
Be Peace

22 October 2011

and again.... Negativity

"The Emotional Centre is not born with a negative part — it should not be there, but it is acquired by the influence of people who are negative. By contact with adults a child learns to pity itself, to feel grievances, to speak crossly, to dwell on its misfortunes, to be melancholy, moody, irritable, suspicious, jealous, to hurt others, etc. This dreadful infection of a child is something against which nothing can be done because it is not clearly recognized. This infection forms the negative part in Emotional Centre. And this infection is handed on from generation to generation. " ~ Maurice Nicoll

18 October 2011

Searching for a New Home: The Search Is Over... For Now

For now, another apartment has been found in another building here in the same complex I've been in for many years. I move next week. I say "for now" because this is a temporary move as I plan to continue to search for the perfect house for myself and for group work.

I'll be paring down quite a bit as I am moving from a 1142sq' space to a 750sq' space on the ground floor. Last night I felt sad. I'll miss the extra space to spread out in and the sunlight that fills every room all day and being on the top floor where I can look out at the birds and squirrels in the trees as they go about their business and scamper about. At the same time, I look forward to being in the new apartment which has a little patio that opens onto a beautifully lush green lawn that runs the entire length of the building. There is nothing else in sight except for a tall fence entirely covered with vines and pink flowers that bloom year round. I seem to remember the scent of Jasmine back there as well. The lawn is very well kept and the building is at the center of the property well away from the main road, so the air will be cleaner and the space much quieter.

Lesson in Limitations # 2million, five:

The 'lessons' never end.. and that's a good thing, otherwise life would be boring. Yesterday I had to climb a flight of stairs with a small hand truck loaded with folded moving boxes. I was pretty much asleep until I arrived home with my new moving boxes and other supplies. Getting the boxes upstairs was going to be a challenge. I had to STOP for a few moments to work out how to load the hand truck and then 'watched' myself do that and then carefully go up the stairs without tumbling down or dropping everything.

I noticed recently, that since I started using a cane I've been feeling a bit embarrassed to be seen using it or hobbling around without it. Faced with the current tasks and the undeniable reality that the only one here to do this was me, all thoughts of embarrassment disappeared. I became interested in how to do it. I kindly gave myself permission to take my time and go slowly and came fully into my body - then moving up the stairs was easy and interesting. One step at a time the left foot lead while the weaker right one waited patiently for its turn to step up. The left leg lifted the body with the support of the cane, enabling the right to move up as well, and when both feet were firmly planted on the next step, I could pull the little hand truck up to the step I just left. Sixteen steps in all.

When I reached the top I smiled and thought , "What a clever girl you are."  realizing I'd just had fun fully using my body with my current physical limitations for the first time.I'm looking forward to packing - which I'd been dreading before.

LOL - climbing steps with a cane and a hand truck loaded with flat packing boxes...a new sort of work movements exercise for the aging and infirm? Yes, actually. The exercise can be called "Limitations"... Ah well... and so it goes my dears. It gives new meaning to, "going to heaven in a hand-basket." No? (Yes, I did say "heaven" not hell)

More tropical rains coming. Happily we won't be in the center of it all this time so perhaps it won't be as bad as last week's downpour.

Off to begin packing - the next test - can I do it all before next Wednesday???

…to be continued

Bee Good,
Be well,


13 October 2011

Searching For A New Home

The Universe has pushed and pushed until I finally have to say "Uncle". It is time to move.

There is a serious mold problem in my home due to 72 hours of tropical rains and a severe allergic reaction are making it a must. Being Florida, there always was mold here, but never as dangerous as it is now. The roof leaked during the recent nonstop deluge and now a rather nasty strain has been blown all over the apartment... and me, by the AC. The air ducts have to be removed and replaced, the ceiling has to be gutted and replaced, and roof will have to re surfaced. While all this is going on there is no avoiding the reality that I cannot be here.

The other end of the stick ... I've been wanting to live somewhere else, someplace with a garden...

... TBC

07 October 2011

Artwork: "The Evolution Series ~ 2008"

In all there are 41 pieces in this series of drawings of individual and collective octaves.

The series evolved as I intentionally tried to remain aware of each movement of the hand and practiced self observation for a designated period of time or during lulls in business each day while working as a receptionist in a very busy engineering office for several months. I was wishing to be consciously aware of self as a living breathing organism as much as possible and not be taken by the outer ebb and flow of the energy in the office.

I have been posting one drawing each week on the weekly work page. So far I have posted three. Each is a direct result of my experiences of the day it was drawn. If you sense yourself in time and space as your eyes try to follow the continuous lines without losing contact with yourself, you may be able to hear the story of each octave - not my story - but your own.

... to be continued

05 October 2011

About Truth

"Not knowing how near the Truth is, People seek It far away,
-- what a pity!
They are like one who, in the midst of water,
Cries imploringly for a drink of water,
Or like the son of a rich man Who wanders away among the poor. ...

Those who testify to the truth of the nature of the Self,
Have found it by reflecting within themselves,
And have gone beyond the realm of mere ideas.

For them opens the gate of the oneness of cause and effect;
And straight runs the path of non-duality ...

Abiding with the Undivided amidst the divided,

Whether going or returning, they remain forever unmoved.

Holding fast to, and remembering,

That which is beyond thought,

In their every act, they hear the voice of the Truth.

How limitless the sky of unbounded freedom!
How pure the perfect moonlight of Wisdom!
At that moment, what do they lack?
As the eternally quiescent Truth reveals Itself to them,
This very earth is the lotus-land of Purity,
And this body -is the body of the Buddha."
