"THERE DO EXIST ENQUIRING MINDS, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates’ words, “Know thyself” remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being."

VIEWS FROM THE REAL WORLD, BY by G.I. Gurdjieff, p 43

25 February 2012

Weekly work for 25 February 2012

I may not be available  to post weekly tasks and readings from time to time during March. Until the new task and reading are posted please continue with the previous week's task. There is no reason to stop making efforts just because something new hasn't been given.

Thank you,

19 February 2012

Resistance to Waking (Re-post from 2010.6)

I had a conversation with someone very new to the work about resistance to sitting and to doing the tasks. Hopefully the following post from 2010, June will help.

"Question:  http://ajourneymanswayhome.blogspot.com/2010/06/resistence.html"

 "So, who (which part or "i") wakes up prior to the part of you that appreciates Qi Gong? "It likes, it doesn't like." as G said, eh? So, which "i" wakes up, unaware that another part of you likes Qi Gong and appreciates how it helps the total Being?"

"I wonder [must see] who [what part of self] is awake first in the  [morning] when I become aware of my own being as I wake from deep sleep and the rest of me begins to catch up. Who is it that resists and does not want to proceed into the next moments? Just then, in those first moments of becoming aware of self awakening, there is a small space in time to watch those first "i's" gather and and to hear their individual songs (stories). I have the opportunity to objectively observe them "waking" up in their sleep, already talking, complaining, etc. ..."

We can apply this question at any moment we begin to awaken a bit from illusion or daydreams, etc. We can be curious about what is really going on in those moments. That kind of curiosity, [that of the 'watcher' or 'observer'] - allows me to silently, without the 'head brain' [picking away at or analyzing or judging what it sees], gather more information about my little devils - those illusive little "i's".

Be Observing
Be Peace

12 February 2012

Demons, Identification & Being

We all have our demons. Sometimes they win and that is a very big sin against self. Why are some of us equipped to beat them and some not? What does it take to win over habit, addiction and the stories in our heads that drive us to abuse self and others in all manner of ways?

Inner Demons: Decending ~ L. Lopez, Sculpture:1990's

The Following is from: "Conscience" by P.D. Ouspensky:

"The term 'negative emotions' means all emotions of violence or depression: self-pity, anger, suspicion, fear, annoyance, boredom, mistrust, jealousy and so on. Ordinarily, one accepts this expression of negative emotions as quite natural and even necessary. Very often people call it 'sincerity'. Of course it has nothing to do with sincerity; it is simply a sign of weakness in man, a sign of bad temper and of incapacity to keep his grievances to himself. Man realizes this when he tries to oppose it, and from . this he learns another lesson. He realizes that in relation to mechanical manifestations it is not enough to observe them, it is necessary to resist them, because without! resisting them one cannot observe them. They happen so quickly, so habitually and so imperceptibly that one cannot notice them if one does not make sufficient efforts to create obstacles for them.

These negative emotions are a terrible phenomenon. They occupy an enormous place in our life. Of many people it is possible to say that all their lives are regulated and controlled, and in the end ruined by negative emotions. At the same time, negative emotions do not play any useful part at all in our lives. They do not help our orientation, they do not give us any knowledge, they do not guide us in any sensible manner. On the contrary, they spoil all our pleasures, they make life a burden to us and they very effectively prevent our possible development because there is nothing more mechanical in our life than negative emotions.
Negative emotions can never come under our control. People who think they can control their negative emotions and manifest them when they want to, simply deceive themselves. Negative emotions depend on identification;1 if identification is destroyed in some particular case, they disappear. The strangest and most fantastic fact about negative emotions is that people actually worship them. The most difficult thing for an ordinary mechanical man to realize is that his own and other people's negative emotions have no value whatever and do not contain anything noble, anything beautiful or anything strong. In reality negative emotions contain nothing but weakness and very often the beginning of hysteria, insanity or crime. The only good thing about them is that, being quite useless and artificially created by imagination and identification, they can be destroyed without any loss — and this is the only chance of escape that man has.

In reality, we have much more power over negative emotions than we think, particularly when we already know how dangerous they are and how urgent is the need to struggle with them. But we find too many excuses for them, and swim in the seas of self-pity or selfishness, as the case may be, finding fault with everything except ourselves."

<<<<<<<<<< * >>>>>>>>>>

 Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice and talents with us. May you Be in Peace now. 
Whitney Houston 1963 ~ 2012 : WireImage/Tibrina Hobson

08 February 2012

A Hint of You

For a moment a shadow crosses the moon
Beard and twinkle flash in memory
Heart sighs for what might have been.

~ Lalo for Majnun, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day Beloved

Valentine's Day Elephant Art Print ~ BlackBaroque. etsy.com

03 February 2012

Descending Dragon ~ L.Lopez 2008
(study for a hand painted silk shawl)

"In ordinary life there can be no new postures. Even if a man wishes to be an actor his position will be the same in this respect." ~ Jean Vaysse, "Toward Awakening"

01 February 2012

Energy Healing, Self Observation & Sensation

"We're beginning now to understand things that we know in our hearts are true but we could never measure. As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine. It's not the mechanistic part of the joints moving. It's not the chemistry of our body. It's understanding for the first time how energy influences how we feel." ~ Dr. Oz 

Although I am not a big fan of Dr. Oz's TV show, he does, occasionally have some interesting medical information to share. In this case it is what many in the "new age", alternative medical movement have been espousing ever since I can remember - beginning perhaps with Edgar Cayce and early Christian Science groups. The statement he makes above is true. It can be verified by self observation and sensation. If you are interested in inner being, higher consciousness and the links between mind-body and health, make efforts to observe the connection. What you see will help you to be healthier human Beings.