"The study of Gurdjieff’s system begins with the study of the Work Ideas.
The study of these ideas is precise, yet not linear.
A study of the laws that govern us,
Scale and cosmos
The study of sleep and how to awaken
Knowledge and being.
The ideas give form to what we somehow always knew but never had the words to say."
~the Colorado Group
3 December 2012
Listen for them this week. Change nothing.
on your relationships with everyone you know and meet
How do your secrets make you behave?
Evolution Series, #27 ~ L. Lopez 2008 |
Read, not in the usual way, but with attention to sensation of your spine and breathing.
As you go to sleep at night sense your face and and relax the muscles as you count backward from 100 by twos. i.e.: 500, 98, 96, 94... etc.
Evolution Series, #26 ~ L. Lopez 2008 |
Every hour on the hour bring your attention to your breath and the sensation of your body's mass in movement. If you are free to do so, look back at and ponder your life while maintaining attention to sensation.
Just before going to bed every evening journal about your experiences with the task without speculating, judging or analyzing. On a separate page, if there is anything you need to do or say before you die, if there is anything you would change or any regrets you have, make note of what they are. Be as brief as possible. Do not become identified with what comes up, just notice, make clinical notes and keep moving.
As you fall asleep, bring your attention to and relax every tension in your body from head to toe while reciting random positive affirmations or the Jesus prayer unceasingly.
For those who been given the marbles task, write down how many marbles you have left and how many you have thrown away since you began the task. Contemplate how this task has helped you to live more fully and what you would have to do to live more fully still.
For those of you who still live in fantasy land this task is in no way a "secret message" that you are going to die or that the world is coming to an end in a week. Rest assured, I am not a FOX news journalist and am not privy to that fabulous type of information.
Try, make efforts. "No small effort goes unrewarded." The aim is to awaken, to be present to your life – to live it, not to dream you are living it. "
Evolution Series, #24 ~ L. Lopez 2008 |
Evolution Series, #23 ~ L. Lopez 2008 |
Evolution Series, #22 ~ L. Lopez 2008 |
Evolution Series, #20 ~ L.Lopez 2008 |
Every time you say “I” bring your attention to the sensation of your spine as you try to observe objectively which “i” is speaking. Try to sense where in the body that “i” is speaking from - i.e.: the solar plexus, the chest, the head, etc. Try to see what its inner attitudes and postures are. Try to identify what it is feeling without being taken or identified. Just take "snapshots". Do not change anything, just see what you can without judgment, analysis or speculation about what you are seeing. If you are taken by what you see and lose the thread, just try again the next time you say “I”.
Every half hour bring your attention to your physical posture and become aware of the sensations of your breath and spine. Change nothing. Just look to "see" what is there to be seen. Maintain awareness of breath while sensing the spine at the same time for as long as you can. Try to notice when you lose this attention or awareness of outer and the inner. Try to make note of where your attention has gone.
Observe objectively; change nothing. Simply observe what you find, taking "snapshots".
Every evening before you go to bed, in your work journal, list your objective observations/"snapshots" from the day’s inner work using as few words as possible. Do not speculate about or analyze what you have observed.
Sit for 10 - 15 minutes before sleep.
As you go to sleep sense and relax your muscles starting at the scalp. Relax from head to toe while counting backward from 1000.
For new people - try; make efforts to do the task regardless of how feeble or impossible you feel your ability to "do" the tasks are. Your efforts will yield surprisingly valuable information about self. We will discuss when we meet. Bring your work journals with you.
Evolution Series #19 ~ L.Lopez 2008 |
Every morning, at the end of your sitting, set your intention for the day to do this inner work task.
Every time you speak bring your attention to your facial muscles as you try to see where the voice resonates or vibrates in your body. Try to see, with inner attention and awareness of sensation, where, what part of the body you are speaking from. Notice what your inner attitude and state are and try to see if there are accompanying tensions in the body. Just take "snapshots". Do not change anything, just see what you can without judgement, analysis or speculation about what you are seeing. If you are taken by what you see and lose the thread, just try again the next time you speak.
Every half hour bring your attention to and be aware of how you are breathing. Change nothing. Just look to "see" what is there to be seen. Maintain awareness of breath while sensing the throat at the same time for as long as you can. Try to notice when you lose this attention or awareness of outer and the inner. Try to make note of where your attention has gone.
Every evening before you go to bed, in your work journal, list your objective observations/"snapshots" from the day’s inner work using as few words as possible. Do not speculate about or analyze what you have observed.
Sit for 10 - 15 minutes before sleep.
As you go to sleep sense and relax your muscles starting at the scalp relaxing from head to toe while counting backward from 500.
For new people - try, make efforts to do the task regardless of how feeble or impossible you feel your ability to "do" the tasks are. Your efforts will yield surprisingly valuable information about self. We will discuss when we meet. Bring your work journals with you.
17 February 2012
Evolution Series #18 ~ L.Lopez 2008 |
Every hour on the hour remember yourself. Bring your attention to and be aware of how you are breathing. Change nothing. Maintain awareness of breath and sense the back of your head and lower back at the same time. Maintain awareness of sensation in these parts as well as awareness of breath for as long as you can. Try to notice when you lose this attention or awareness of outer and the inner. Try to make note of where your attention has gone.
Every evening, before you go to bed, in your work journal, list your objective observations/"snapshots" from the day’s inner work using as few words as possible. Do not speculate or analyze on what you have observed.
Sit for 10 - 15 minutes before sleep.
As you go to sleep sense and relax your muscles starting at the scalp relaxing from head to toe.
For new people - try, make efforts to do the task. You won't be able to but try. Your efforts will yield surprising information. We will discuss when we meet. Bring your work journals with you.
10 February 2012
Evolution Series #17 ~ L.Lopez 2008 |
Every hour on the hour remember yourself. Bring your attention to and be aware of how you are breathing. Change nothing.
Every evening, before bed, list your objective observations/"snapshots" from the task. Use as few words as possible.
Sit for 10 - 15 minutes before sleep.
As you go to sleep sense and relax your muscles starting at the scalp relaxing from head to toe.
For new people - try, make efforts to do the task. You won't be able to but try. Your efforts will yield surprising information. We will discuss when we meet. Bring your work journals with you.
Read: Toward Awakening by Jean Vaysse: Page 19 ~ 22 (PDF)
At the end of your morning sitting every morning set your intention for the day to do this inner work task.
Every hour on the hour say your name silently to yourself in your head as you sense your spine and the soles of your feet. Be aware of your breathing. Observe objectively; change nothing. Simply observe what you find, taking "snapshots".
Every evening, before bed, list your objective observations/"snapshots" from the task. Use as few words as possible.
Sit for 10 - 15 minutes before sleep.
As you go to sleep sense your facial muscles while relaxing the body from head to toe.
For new people - try, make efforts to do the task. You won't be able to but try. Your efforts will yield surprising information. We will discuss when we meet. Bring your work journals with you.
*Evolution Series #15 - L.Lopez 2008 |
Evolution Series #14 ~ L.Lopez 2008 |
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