"THERE DO EXIST ENQUIRING MINDS, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates’ words, “Know thyself” remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being."

VIEWS FROM THE REAL WORLD, BY by G.I. Gurdjieff, p 43

10 June 2009

Prayer Mantra Affirmation

Affirmations, prayers and mantras, what do they have in common?

Everything - they are the same thing.

We attract what we think into our lives. All religions and spiritual schools, all "new age" philosophies use prayer, mantras, and affirmations as tools to help one move toward higher states of consciousness from which one can live with a greater degree of clarity and freedom from limiting thought patterns, beliefs and behaviors.

Automatic thoughts whirrr on and on in our head brains. What are they saying? Do you have any idea what yours is saying all day long? What are these unmonitored thoughts attracting into your life? When you begin to listen to them, you will notice habitual patterns of thinking and you will notice that most of that habitual thinking is negative, and you will come to realize that habitual thinking is not real. You will see how these habitual negative thoughts keep you from having, being and doing the things you wish to have, be, do most in your life today.

Do you wish for change? If you do wish for something new in your life, you have to dump the old thought patterns that keep you marching in the same place year after year, in relationship after relationship. You have to refresh your head brain with new thoughts - affirmations/ prayers/ mantras... I will write more about this in the coming weeks.

Last year, I kept coming across a a quote on a post-it I found somewhere years ago. It said: "“When you are feeling depreciated, angry or deceived, it is a sign that others are not open to your energy.”

Today, I would change this to say: “When you are feeling depreciated, upset, unloved or deceived, it is a sign that others may not be open to your energy - (or a sign that you are asleep immersed in habitual negative thinking, or that you are having a bad hair day, or are having a negative reaction to your breakfast, lunch or dinner; or are put off by others looks, manifestations, etc.)” The list could go on but why waste the time. I'm sure you get the picture.

This is not to say that there are not some unfortunate miserable people out there who are habitually negative, grudge carrying, "account keeping" (as Maurice Nicoll said), meanies who enjoy slopping their negativity onto the nearest target on a regular basis - nevertheless - whatever the reason we feel depreciated, angry, unloved, disrespected, baited or deceived, we must act and disengage from the situation internally as soon as we become aware of what is going on. We must come back to center in ourselves, process the information quickly and return to a more positive state so that we can handle those situations and people in less reactive way. How do we do this? It takes practice, but it can be done. All that you need to know can't be taught in a blog post but little bits that you can try on your own can be posted that might help.

In any case, I kept the quote on my desk when I worked in a call center in customer service. I used it as a reminder that I did not have to be affected by other people’s manifestations. Keeping this concept in front of me helped a lot in that business. Whatever pushed my buttons when I was less connected to my wish to live in peace and set me off into a downward spiral of negative emotional thinking would vanish almost instantly whenever I looked at the note. I would stop for a moment or two, take a deep breath and return to the weight of my body sitting in the chair. I would remember who I was and what I wanted. I made it a habit to look at the quote several times a day - especially when a customer was very upset and taking it out on me.

The note kept surfacing from my piles of paper a few months ago, so I taped it to my computer monitor.Recently, when I was sitting and focused on helping my body to work through a physical pain that settled in my solar plexus after spending some time with someone who was intent on deliberately hurting me, I noticed the sensation of what seemed like a large cylinder about 5" in diameter and which reached horizontally about 3 - 4 " into the center of my body. The mouth of the cylinder was open, black, and jagged edged; it was literally throbbing. I looked at my thoughts and had an immediate image of what happened the day before and the image of the "frenemy" who was involved. As I viewed the images, the nausea increased as did the pain. I began to repeat an affirmation until the images, pain and nausea were gone.

This kind of self healing work is is best done sitting alone quietly in a chair in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for at least half an hour. Repeat the words as many times as it takes to release the negativity involving others, and to stop any psychic pain. At first using this method to resolve real or perceived hurts may seem fake but I promise, continued use of this particular affirmation can bring instant results once you really understand how it works and you can only understand it by practicing it. It clears the way for better, more positive experiences with others. As long as we hold these negative thoughts and feelings about others we will never be free. There are other supporting lessons to help you get good at this, but more about that in another post, I am sure or contact me for more information.

I've adapted this prayer/mantra/affirmation from Louise Hay's affirmation for forgiveness :

“I Forgive you __(say the name of the person)__ for not Being as I hoped you would Be. I Forgive you and set you free.” (Wait a moment or two, then affirm) “And, I Forgive myself.”

We forgive ourselves because we somehow attracted this behavior from others. I will address how we do this in detail at another time.

I then stated the following affirmation: "Today I wish to be impervious to all slights: imagined and intended, perceptible and imperceptible. I deserve a, peaceful and happy life filled with the Love and respect of family, friends, and neighbors in a loving community, in a loving world. I send respectful, peaceful and loving thoughts and energy to everyone. I am Loved and I am loving."

Practice makes perfect, just remember what you really want is peace for yourself and for everyone else.


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