"THERE DO EXIST ENQUIRING MINDS, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates’ words, “Know thyself” remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being."

VIEWS FROM THE REAL WORLD, BY by G.I. Gurdjieff, p 43

03 September 2009

Where Does The Impulse to Gossip Come From?

So, what is gossip after all? For the gossiper isn't it: a form of manipulation, a convincing, a way to get what you want, a way to direct traffic in your own life and control others lives, a way to be to be 'better than', etc. And for the listener: a way to be one of the 'in' crowd, a way to be 'in the know', a way to be important, a way to gather 'ammunition', etc. Where does the impulse to gossip or to listen to gossip come from in yourself? Can you see from what part of yourself this gossip thing emerges and grows. Can you hear your 'accounts keeper's' voice; know it is the mischief maker's tool, the power mongers weapon, the cowards way? Do you hear the inner justifications and rationals you tell yourself to make spreading gossip - rumor, lies and innuendo a guiltless act to yourself? Do you see your self calming mechanisms at work? Is it like a morphine drip for those addicted to gossip?

The next time you are about to speak about someone or listen eagerly to someone who is doing so, look inside, observe yourself - where is the impulse coming from? What is the intention? How do you feel? Is there an edgy eagerness there? Is it real or part of the inner scripts? Can you see what your real purposes and intentions are when speaking about another person or entity?

The idea in the work that there are myriads of little "i's" that are not I (all of myself - together at once) is verifiably true, but as so many practitioners of the method seem to think, this reality does not get me off scott free from paying the bills they run up when I am not paying attention - not awake. At some point in your inner work you must step up and begin to be responsible. Paying these big bills keeps you on your toes - attentive more and more often - blaming others for the bills does not. "The devil made me do it" excuse does not work here. You can do something wrong once, not knowing it is wrong; when you finally do have an organic sense that it is wrong and not from that which is higher in you, and do it again knowing it is wrong, then it is a sin. Knowingly sinning in your work with others repeatedly is to muddy the work of everyone and you are responsible for it.

What is your real intention for engaging in this inner study? What do you wish for - truly? This is not an easy method. There is tremendous resistance to seeing how you really are. You must learn everything you can about the mechanism of resistance to seeing in self observation. You must develop the 'muscles' necessary to stand in front of and to get past the resistance to be able to see what you are seeing to the 'roots' of its existence. How close can you live to yourself - not as a judge, jury and abusive jailer - but as a Loving Guardian of your own inner growth. Can you open your heart to yourself, hold your own (essence) hand and keep moving toward transformation?

When you are speaking to someone, observe yourself, anchor your attention in your body and plant your feet on the ground. Observe what is going on inside you when you speak about people. You will gather a great deal of information that will help you to know yourself.

Be at Peace, Be Brave, Do no Harm

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