"THERE DO EXIST ENQUIRING MINDS, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates’ words, “Know thyself” remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being."

VIEWS FROM THE REAL WORLD, BY by G.I. Gurdjieff, p 43

15 August 2009

Prayer - Affirmation ~ "What Does it profit a man...?"

This post is from Nicoll's "Commentaries -Book I, Chapter: Birdlip, June 19, 1942. It is a continuation of my post 6 August 2009 , which you should read before reading this post.

At the end of the chapter:"Note on Prayer" Nicoll continued *** "We will now speak of some things said in the work, directly and indirectly, about prayer."

This is part of the following chapter: "The Teaching About Prayer In the Work"
"Part I.- In the teaching of the Work the idea of Prayer and the idea of Self-Remembering are so closely connected that one cannot be separated from the other. Without Self-Remembering, Prayer is impossible. Let us look at what this means. A man as he is cannot pray. That is, a man must be in a state of Self-Remembering. In order to pray a man must be in a state of Self-Remembering. To pray as one is, in one's ordinary state, is to pray in one's sleep, and to pray in one's sleep is useless. Nothing can happen. Such a prayer cannot be answered because it does not get anywhere. Let us recall what is said about states of consciousness in the Work. Four states of consciousness are possible, but ordinarily Man knows and lives in only two, and both are called, in the Work, states of sleep..."

In this chapter Nicoll goes on to discuss the different states, talks about consciousness. He clarifies what one really needs to know in order to reach a viable state of Self-Remembering. Many other 'schools' also teach, in their own languages, what is required to be able to pray effectively. For myself, the methods and language of the Work are the most direct.

A novice can get lucky from time to time using the popular so called LOA affirmation methods, but like anything one experiments with, one can learn to do a trick without understanding how it really works. It takes years of inner study to truly be able to master the art of Prayer. A great deal of inner work and understanding of oneself is necessary. To learn only part way yields a sort of psychic sleight of hand. This fact brings to mind today the bible quote: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?". You are praying in your sleep, dreaming you are awake, results are unstable. Without praying in an awakened state you more often than not produce negative effects and byproducts, especially if, unwittingly, the prayer is really coming from a negative place in you that you are unaware of. This is a complaint I hear a lot from those who learned some 'tricks'. And a word to the unwise - those who intentionally pray from a negative place from ill will or selfish gain will definitely 'reap what they sow' some time in the not too distant future. You will absolutely become the sad beneficiaries of the Beatles Law of Instant Karma!

What are you thinking? That is your payer at the moment. What are you praying for night and day? If you could hear your "thoughts" as they babble on throughout the day, you might not be so surprised when that friend finally says they've had enough of your arrogance and walks away, or when you get fired from your job, or when that woman you've prayed in your heart of hearts notices you and in the crucial moment, your fearful i says, No you don't deserve such a prize" veers off and runs the other way.

Know yourself, listen to your automatic thoughts.

Awaken, Be at Peace, Think with All your Being - Love is definitely the answer.

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