"THERE DO EXIST ENQUIRING MINDS, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates’ words, “Know thyself” remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being."

VIEWS FROM THE REAL WORLD, BY by G.I. Gurdjieff, p 43

16 December 2009

Christmas Turkey

Mr Gurdjieff tells a story about an 83 year old turkey in 1949 shortly before he passed on. It is good to hear his kind, warm voice and sense of humor. Click Oramireally: to hear the actual recording.

Gurdieff: ...They, some year ago, find, understand?, in store one turkey because always what make reserve in frigidaire, understand? Here they put, Marc when was?
Marc: [...]
Gurdjieff: He'll find Chicago what 83 year old, ago, was put for Christmas, somebody buy and find. All newspeople here arrived, I was here and every, nobody here remember, no? 83 years ago was killed and put in frigidaire! [laughter]
Donald Whitcomb: Grey stone from George Washington.
Gurdieff: [laughs], this is, eh, the truth.
Donald Whitcomb: He had the chicken one thing.
Gurdjieff: Read somebody about this?
Wim Nyland: I don't remember 83 years but I remember a very long time.
Gurdjieff: Just I remember very good this, 83 years ago [...] in an exclusive [...]
Man: What was this, a turkey?
Donald Whitcomb: A turkey, very honorable bird.
Gurdjieff [laughs] Yes! In Chicago, Sterling House. And then, in Christmas they serve, somebody buy, turkey [laughs], very good! [laughs] And he accidental mark this thing and then he show somebody and begin all newspeople hear [laughs] and write about this histoire. Exact last year I was here! I go, which is this year, before exact don't know which year, how many?
Man: 39.
Woman: 39.
Other man: Ten years ago.
Gurdjieff: This history was here, that who was here that read the newspaper must have read because all, all newspaper is, was write about this turkey.
Man: Some bird!
Donald Whitcomb: This is one turkey that peacocks cannot outpace!
Gurdjieff: You don't know just because... for 83 years, understand [laughs], in frigidaire! It is already known this, wouldn't eat!y
Donald Whitcomb: Usually after 40 years Americans won't eat turkey. Stink! After 40 years they even throw away.
Gurdjieff: You see, une lutte (a struggle), 83 years!
Donald Whitcomb: Very unusual!
Gurdjieff: This history! [laughs] Good show, and you not astonished I have such memory, hehehe. [lights a cigarette] For events, I very good remember [...] and what country I already writed, a special chapter [...] I remember while, not because for last vision. When publish necessary everything that I liser (read) last. What just say about this turkey already I put in America chapter [...] [laughter]

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